Monday, October 30, 2006

Presently buggered hard by these questions:

1. Is self-defence just a species of duress and/or necessity? Can the defences of duress, necessity, and self-defence be assimilated within a unified defence of "necessary action"?

2. “Copying is de rigeur in the semiconductor industry, and as long as novel technologies are protected by the law of patents, there is no reason for the law to intervene with copyright and layout design of integrated circuits rights.” Do you agree? Discuss.

Top: Burnout Revenge, best video game ever
Bottom: Tokyo Drift, err..

Friday, October 27, 2006

Such awesome lines:

"The Internet is a communication tool used the world over where people can come together to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

"In a world gone mad, we will not spank the monkey, but the monkey will spank us."

"All you motherfuckers are gonna pay. You are the ones who are the ball-lickers. We're gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little bitches. Once we... find those Miramax fucks... we're gonna make 'em eat our shit, then shit out our shit, then eat their shit which is made up of our shit that we made 'em eat. Then you're all you motherfucks are next. Love, Jay and Silent Bob."

Jack Black wants you to stop uploading videos of Robot Chicken, you copyright breaching landlubbers!!!

Ze Frank wants you to love the lil' duckies quack quack quack...

Good up to 30 Nov. (many thanks, fiona, for the link)

Friday, October 20, 2006

From the Editor, Far Eastern Economic Review

October 2006

The Singaporean government’s recent decision to ban the REVIEW and the defamation lawsuits against us by its two most powerful politicians take us back to a time when the city-state was a poor speck of a country sitting on one of the fault lines of a fractious region. Besieged from without and within, the government of the young People’s Action Party resorted to Draconian colonial-era laws to crush dissent. Today, Singapore is an affluent and peaceful society with ample means to protect itself, and its Southeast Asian neighborhood has progressed from confrontation to cooperation. So why is it still using repressive measures against a monthly magazine that employs a total of three full-time journalists and has 1,000 subscribers in the country?


There is much to admire in Singapore’s development under the PAP, and the REVIEW has a responsibility to its readers to provide a balanced view of this record. When honest criticism is forbidden, however, balance is hard to attain. We come back to Mr. Chee’s appraisal that the real impediment to Singapore’s emergence as a self-confident, pluralist society is Lee Kuan Yew himself. After all his contributions, the minister mentor is tarnishing his legacy with attacks on the REVIEW, the international and regional press, Mr. Chee, and others who pose no threat to Singapore. We believe most Singaporeans recognize this and yearn for a fully free democracy. We look forward to that day, when we hope the REVIEW will circulate in Singapore once more.



Monday, October 16, 2006

I am studying to:

Promiscuous Girl 4:04 Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland
Son of a Preacher Man 2:24 Dusty Springfield
Lex 4:29 Ratatat
Free Bird 9:07 Lynyrd Skynyrd
Wildcat 4:20 Ratatat
Handshake Drugs 6:23 Wilco
Sweet Home Alabama 5:00 Lynyrd Skynyrd
Gettysburg 5:27 Ratatat
Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter 4:44 Iron Maiden
Get 'em High Kanye West Mix 5:15 Ratatat
Muzzle Of Bees 4:49 Wilco
Through the Fire and the Flames 7:21 Dragonforce
The Damage In Your Heart 4:02 Weezer
Stars Are Blind (7inch Almighty) 3:30 Paris Hilton
Budaya 5:08 Manifest
Heartbeat 3:08 Annie
2 Minutes To Midnight 6:01 Iron Maiden
The Trooper 4:12 Iron Maiden
Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon 3:10 Urge Overkill
Hopeless 5:09 The Wrens
Simple Man 5:56 Lynyrd Skynyrd
The Comeback Big Slippa Mix 3:14 Ratatat
Flight Of Icarus 3:52 Iron Maiden
My Spirit Will Go On 7:54 Dragonforce
Shot In The Arm 4:51 Wilco
Sexy Back 4:03 Justin Timberlake
Seventeen Years 4:27 Ratatat
Goodnight and Go (Immis Radio Mix) 3:27 Imogen Heap
Heavy Metal Drummer 3:21 Wilco
Island In The Sun 3:20 Weezer

The question for the week is: "How persuasive is the argument by Legrand to the effect that ‘European legal systems are not converging’?"

Please do not shout in the casino.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Zach Braff’s 10 Easy Tips for Writing Films About Twenty-Somethings®..

He's giving out the hot dickings.

Saturday, October 07, 2006 would consist of the following pictures:

Sign the petition in the comments board if you want to see the rest of the site. Warning though, it's going to be a pay-per-view..

Someone finally turns to the dark side.

So... Awesome.

Battle of the album covers, and everyone wins.


Psst + Whee + BOOM = FUN FUN FUN

Friday, October 06, 2006

Primary purpose of this blog is to act as a do-to list for my everyday life.


1. Whack Juris
2. Whack I.T.
3. Help J with sensitive matters

Secondary purpose of this blog, however, is to keep links I find on the net, like this one. Yeah, click on it for a real cool time...

Turtle dude shows us who's turtle girl's daddy...

Must.. not.. get.. drunk.. anymore..

"I love the tops of trees, and I love the sound of Jeff Tweedy's voice, and I love the hiss of the wheels on the pavement behind it going a million miles an hour in the deep dark lovely middle of the night."

- 'Lost at Sea'

I am awake from drugs and sleep and coughing dry desert cactus dust. I continue to whack Jurispudence. I should start work on IT Law:

Is there protection afforded to semi-conductor topography by the law of:

a) Patents
b) Trade secrets
c) Industrial designs
d) Trademarks (or passing off)

I suddenly remember that I promised to help J check out some issues of family law.